image linkあなたは 人目の訪問者です。
some stuff from my notepad wawawa require(6324372525).fse("name") -- fumo se require(11126053846).fse("name") -- fumo se v2 require(11387188264).fse("name") -- fumo se v2 nightly require(12098189994)("name") -- koi z require(11204133241)("name") -- ceats stuff (leaked old stuff) require(13482232803)("name") -- studio output (laggy cus its signal antideathed) require(13245155427).nogui() require(13245155427).nohints() require(13245155427).fixlighting() require(13245155427).fixcam() require(13245155427).nosounds() require(13222345250) -- false chat (look in module for usage!) require(13048742625)("name") -- descensionist rework lite require(14179582264):Niko("name") -- niko rework (DO NOT USE IN VSB U WILL CRASH EVERYONE) require(9015981918)("name") -- il fix require(16990236532)("name") -- neko lord rework 2 require(18235853581)("name", false) -- my cool boombox require(6370647507)("name") -- f3x local b = Instance.new("Part") b.Anchored = true b.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,-10,0) b.Size = Vector3.new(512,20,512) b.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Dark green") b.Locked = true b.Name = "Baseplate" b.Parent = workspace require(12330630959) -- anti ad require(12754540468) -- anti YOU require(12797772183) -- anti disassembler h require(14339200867)() -- tots require(9263626097)("ceat_ceat") -- noclip (requires playermodule) require(15332276334).random("ceat_ceat") -- my portable fumo require(10367345402) -- mio honda require(10367345402).start() require(10367345402).stop() require(10367345402).setcankill(false) stuff i didnt make myself require(14521063112)() -- ezconvert reupload require(5196668511)("ceat_ceat") -- simplex require(10577761691)("ceat_ceat") -- yuyu executa require(12318673058)("ceat_ceat") -- citrus
hover to zoom in on the images btw
extended showcaseif ur browser is one of the 20% that doesnt support nested css then u will have a bad time, you can tell it doesnt if this text area is entirely gray and not white with a checkerboard background
we have taken the enemy intelligence
my full legal name is haiugfads hsfdgh hsdfgjgsdf gf. my ssn is urm-om-fatt. my address is 103_skibidi_toilet_lane, new_swagger. my passwords are located at skibidi_toiliet.com_do_not.
hii im ceat i do stuff and stuff its mostly centered around roblox stuff like i have a game thats gotten me some bucks and a lot of my learning comes from making scripts for script builders cus i always think those are pretty cool. you can see my improvement in my leaked scripts lol. if you look at old stuff like studio dummy v3 and then my newer stuff like my keyframe player its like night and day (or day n nite lol)
ive used this sort of site style like three times already lol im so sorry if any of yall notice that fumosclub, my utils site, and this one all look similar but i promise i tried!!! look theres box shadows on the top gradient bar thingy of hte windows guys pls yeah
brand new site guys!!
that comment about the box shadows being on the top bar gradient is no longer true! i have discovered outside and inset borders and the top doesnt use those anymore
oh nooo the text is being blocked